LeePhotography: Blog https://www.lee-photography.net/blog en-us (C) LeePhotography [email protected] (LeePhotography) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:20:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:20:00 GMT https://www.lee-photography.net/img/s/v-12/u1067089680-o481388337-50.jpg LeePhotography: Blog https://www.lee-photography.net/blog 80 120 Orange Tiger Lilies https://www.lee-photography.net/blog/2017/7/orange-tiger-lilies Tiger LiliesTiger LiliesTiger lilies are stunning in the late summer garden.

Tiger lilies are stunning in the late summer garden.

[email protected] (LeePhotography) "summer "tiger flora flowers flowers" garden" lilies lily lily" orange spotted summer https://www.lee-photography.net/blog/2017/7/orange-tiger-lilies Tue, 25 Jul 2017 12:44:36 GMT
"Victoria Falls" in bloom https://www.lee-photography.net/blog/2017/5/victoria-falls-in-bloom Bearded irises after the rainBearded irises after the rainBearded irises stand tall even after a nasty rain storm.

Beautiful bearded iris, "Victoria Falls" in bloom.

[email protected] (LeePhotography) iris "bearded iris" "blue perennials "German floral flowers spring summer dainty delicate https://www.lee-photography.net/blog/2017/5/victoria-falls-in-bloom Thu, 25 May 2017 03:01:37 GMT
Kiwi, up close. https://www.lee-photography.net/blog/2017/4/kiwi-up-close Kiwi Up CloseKiwi Up CloseKiwi seeds have amazing detail up close.

Macro kiwi slice.

[email protected] (LeePhotography) kiwi fruit macro food green seeds fruits https://www.lee-photography.net/blog/2017/4/kiwi-up-close Sat, 08 Apr 2017 04:09:40 GMT
So many corks. https://www.lee-photography.net/blog/2017/4/so-many-corks Assorted Corks B/WAssorted Corks B/WAssorted wine corks in b/w.

Assorted wine corks.

[email protected] (LeePhotography) corks cork "black & white" wine "wine corks" https://www.lee-photography.net/blog/2017/4/so-many-corks Sat, 08 Apr 2017 04:04:47 GMT
Cat In Sink https://www.lee-photography.net/blog/2017/1/cat-in-sink

Cozy kitten in our bathroom sink.

[email protected] (LeePhotography) cat kitten pets humorous sink cozy humor cats https://www.lee-photography.net/blog/2017/1/cat-in-sink Sun, 15 Jan 2017 12:48:45 GMT